Mar 28, 2019 | Beyond the Cable Box, Devices, Future of TV, HD and Digital Media, Online Services, Uncategorized
As of 2017, over 22.2 million people had ditched their cable package and that number does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon. As streaming, video on demand, and live TV services have gained near ubiquity, more and more options have entered the market.As cable...
Mar 1, 2018 | Online Services
YouTube is a popular video service that people use. People primarily watch music videos on YouTube, though you can also find movie trailers, DIY videos and more. You can watch videos on YouTube for free, which makes it a great service. However, there is more to...
Mar 1, 2018 | Devices, Future of TV, Online Services
If you are new to the world of video streaming services, you might have a lot of questions. What is it exactly? How does it work? Is it worth it? What options do I have? Also, you will discover that there are several video streaming services out there, so how do you...
Feb 28, 2018 | Devices, Future of TV, Online Services
The days of running out to the store and selecting a video from a shelf, standing in line and battling traffic just to watch a movie or play a game are long behind us. Now we have the ability to turn on our televisions, boot up an app or device and select from a wide...
Feb 28, 2018 | Online Services
The Pirate Bay is an extensive index of every kind of mainstream content available, all of which is user supplied. While its reputation has been interesting, it maintains itself as a peer-to-peer file sharing network and uses the Bit Torrent protocol. What Is The...