Jul 29, 2019 | Devices, TV tuner
image source: freepikA tv tuner can refer to a digital tuner or an ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) tuner, often known as HDTV tuner or an ATSC receiver. Either way, it is a system that grabs free television streams from the airwaves and converts them to...
Apr 15, 2019 | Devices, TV
You can’t always be there to check and monitor what your kids are watching. And even if you could, that’s a bit of a cumbersome and overbearing approach to parenting.The truth is, most parents seek a middle ground. They want to give their child the freedom to explore...
Mar 29, 2019 | Future of TV, TV
TVs are on sale throughout the year. Unfortunately, most of the best models are usually way expensive for an Average Joe to afford. But did you know that you can get your dream big-screen TV at a discounted price? All you need to do is wait!So, what is the best time...
Mar 15, 2019 | HD and Digital Media, TV
There is nothing quite like enjoying your favorite show or movie on a big-screen TV in the comfort of your living room. And since High Dynamic Range (HDR) and 4K resolutions are now the norm, upgrading your TV set will mean that your shows, movies, and games look even...
Feb 10, 2019 | hdmi switch, TV
These days, your TV is more than just your TV. It’s become a vessel through which you can enjoy every morsel that the world of entertainment has to offer. Even the way you consume television itself is vastly different than it used to be. Chances are you’re not sitting...